Word Power Made Easy.
Session- 1
Hi Friends today I'm going to tell u about Word Power Made Easy you will learn a lot today if you want to note down the learning take a copy and write. Now let us start from Word Roots. Also at first I have written all things in a rough copy, but in bad handwriting, as at that time I was only 7 or 8 years old and now I am 10, so I am writing in my blog in better handwriting than last time.And sorry, I am giving this in 2022 which I can have given a year before.
Session no Written in copy date Written in blog date
Session 1 09.11.2020 28.03.2021
Word Roots
1. Ego- I, Self. 2. Intro- Inside. 3. Extro- Outside.
4. Mis- Hate. 5. Anthro- Human. 6. Gyn- Female
7. Gam- Marriage. 8. Ambi- Both
1. Egoist- Who believes in self advancement, Selfish Person.
2. Egotist- Who believe that he is more talented than others.
3. Altruist- Who is interested in welfare of others.
4. Introvert- A shy person.
5. Extrovert- A very Friendly person.
6. Ambivert- Who is both introvert and extrovert.
7. Misanthrope- Who hate humans.
8. Misogynist- Who hate female.
9. Misogamist- Who hate marriage.
10. Ascetic- Does not pursue physical pleasure.
Session no Written in copy Date
Written in blog date
Session 2 10.11.2020 28.12.2022
Word roots
1. Mania-Madness
2. Alter -To change
1. Egocentric- Caring too much about himself
2Egomaniacal-Extremely Selfish
3. Altruism-Philosophy of Helping others
4. To Alternate- To Skip one or to take
5. To Alter - To change
6. Alternative- A choice
7. Alteration- A change
8. Alternate- Other possible ways
9. Alterego- A different version of yourself
10. Altercation- A strong argument
Session no Written in copy date Written in blog date
Session 3 11.11.2020 30.12.2022
Word roots for today are
1. Ambi- Both
2. Mis- Hate
3. Gyne- Woman
4. Anthro-Human
5. Dexter- Right hand
6. Sinister- Left hand
7. Gauche- Left hand
8. Droil- Right hand
9. Mono- One
10. Bi-Two
11. Poly- Many
12. Andros-Male
13. Phil- Love
14. Asketes-Monk
1. Dextrious- Skillful
2. Ambidextrous- Capable of using both hands to do equal skill and work
3. Sinister-Evil
4. Gauche- Awkward, Bad
5. Misanthropic- hate human
6. Anthropology- Study of human
7. Gynaecology- Study of female
8. Monogamy-System of one marriage
9. Bigamy- System of two marriage
10. Misogymy- Hate woman
11. Polygamy- System of many marriages
12. Misogamy- Hate marriage
13. Philanthropy-Love human
14. Adroitness- Skill, Clever
15. Polygynist- Male withmany wives
16. Polyandrist- Female with many husbands
17. Anthropologist- One who studies human
18. Gynaecologist- Women's doctor
19. Philanthropist- One who engage in human welfare
20. Asceticism- Devotion to be simple in life
Session no Written in copy date Written in Blog date
Session no 4 11.11.2020 31.12.2022
Word roots
1. Obstretix- Midwife (a person who help a woman when she is giving birth to a child)
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